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Shiley Eye Center – Macular Degeneration Outreach Project

(Currently INACTIVE Site)

Basic Information

Description of the Organization Responsibilities

Community Ophthalmology reaches out to the elderly population affected with macular degeneration, cararact, glaucoma. The resarch is focused on the impact of eye diseases on well-being or quality of life as measured by depression, emotional distress, visual functioning, etc, and on patients' knowledge of their disease and how to cope with it.

Age(s) of Participants



Minimum 3.0 GPA.


2 quarter commitment.

Students must complete one quarter of an HDP 199 - Independent Study course the quarter prior to enrollment in HDP 191.

Research Availability

Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Orientation Requirement

Yes. Students are required to interview with the site. 

Orientation Interivew

Please bring the following:

(1) Updated copy of unofficial transcript.

(2) Letter of statement explaining why the site was chosen, what is expected from the research project along with professional goals.

(3) Resume

Dress Code

Please wear appropriate, casual attire with closed toed shoes.

Testing Requirements

(1) TB Test.

(2) Letter of Clearance from the HDP Field Research Coordinator (Emma Chan). 

Patient confidentiality must be respected at all times.

Check-in Procedure

Please check in with the site mentor.

Contact Information

Site Mentor

Barbara Brody (bbrody@ucsd.edu)

Phone Number





9415 Campus Point Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093