HDP 191 – Field Research in Human Development
Course Overview
This course is designed around students’ applied research experience. With weekly lectures (three hours/week) introducing the philosophy and basic methodology of human development research, HDP majors are provided the necessary tools to design, conduct, and comprehend their own empirical field research project (four hours/week) at a pre-approved study site. The goal is to familiarize students with various field research techniques and to expose them to both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The class is designed to maximize class participation and facilitate conceptual understanding. During the course students complete a field notebook documenting their 40 hours of observational research, provide a oral presentation of their research, and compose a final research paper.
- Complete the HDP 191 Pre-Enrollment Questionnaire during the designated application period.
- The application period for HDP 191 enrollment requests begins in May, to plan course enrollment for HDP 191 the following academic year
- This application, announced via email every spring quarter, reserves students' seats in HDP 191 for the fall, winter and spring quarters of the following academic year
- Students should provide their official UCSD e-mail address (in its entirety with no typos) on the Pre-Enrollment Questionnaire, as all mass communication regarding HDP 191 is sent via UCSD email
- Students will be notified of their quarter of placement by the end of May
- Graduating seniors have first priority for enrollment, as seats are limited each quarter. Students of senior standing who have completed a significant amount of upper division HDP coursework will be given second priority, followed by juniors. All other students will be considered only when space permits.
- Declared Human Development major.
- Completion of HDP 181 prior to enrollment.
- Completion of a significant portion of upper-division coursework.
- Completion of the above HDP 191 Pre-Enrollment Questionnaire during spring quarter of the academic year prior to enrollment.
- Application period occurs in May.
Note: Applications can still be submitted prior to completion of all prerequisites. The above prerequisites must be completed by the quarter of ENROLLMENT, not when the application is submitted. Students should request HDP 191 enrollment during a quarter in which they know they will have completed all of the prerequisites.
Late Enrollment
Students who have missed the application period must contact the Field Research Coordinator as early as possible to waitlist for HDP 191. Students will be enrolled in the course and placed at sites as space permits.
For additional information, see our frequently asked questions regarding HDP 191.
- Complete the HDP 191 Site Placement Questionnaire during the quarter prior to enrollment in HDP 191. Invitations to complete this questionnaire will be e-mailed to all students with an enrollment reservation at the end of the quarter BEFORE HDP 191 enrollment.
- Students must review the current field research site opportunities and select the five most interesting and relevant sites for placement
- An explanation of the reasoning behind site preferences will be required on the application
- Over the course of the 10 week quarter, students will complete a minimum of 40 hours of research at their assigned site
- It is important for students to realize what a great opportunity this temporary internship can be. Researching at a site is a great way to gain experience in a field of interest, establish contacts, network, earn a great letter of recommendation from their site mentor, build their resume or possibly parlay their work into a regular internship or even a job.
- Students are strongly encouraged to choose their sites carefully in order to make the most of this opportunity
- The Human Development Program reserves the right to place students at any site based on priority level, date/time when the application was received, dynamics of the site, and/or requests of the site mentor(s)
2. Attend mandatory HDP 191 orientation.
- Section and site placements will be confirmed at this orientation
- The orientation typically lasts several hours and provides an overview of course expectations, course preparatory activities, and introductory experiences relevant to field site work
Priority for Quarterly Placements
HDP 191 requires students to conduct 40 hours of research during the 10 week quarter (approximately 4 hours/ week) at their research site, so students should plan their quarterly schedule accordingly.
- Priority enrollment will be given to seniors on a first come first served basis
- Secondary priority will be given to juniors on a first come first served basis
- All other students will be enrolled only when space permits
Priority for Site & Section Placement
- Every effort will be made to place students in one of their top three site preferences. However, placements aligning with preferences cannot be guaranteed. It is strongly recommended students submit the Site Selection Questionnaire as soon as the selection process begins (typically the mid-end of the quarter prior to HDP 191 enrollment).
- Confirmation of site and section placement or waiting-list status will be provided at the mandatory orientation meeting before the first day of class. If you do not receive a letter or email notice of site and section placement by the orientation, it is your responsibility to contact the HDP office immediately.
- It is the student's responsibility to contact the site mentor and schedule (not necessarily attend) a site-specific orientation meeting at the end of the quarter before taking HDP 191. Site visits should start the FIRST WEEK of assigned quarter (site orientation meeting does not count as a "site visit").
If you have questions or concerns, or would like further information, please contact the Field Research Coordinator at (858) 534-8489 or email mcavey@ucsd.edu.
Students are required to attend one mandatory orientation session to secure their placement in HDP 191 for the following quarter. At the orientation, students will receive confirmation of their section placement as well as their site placement, and a Letter of Clearance to begin field research hours. The orientation typically lasts several hours and provides an overview of course expectations, course preparatory activities, and introductory experiences relevant to field site work.
Important Considerations
- HDP 191 is a time intensive course
- Four-five hours of off-campus observational field research each week, in addition to three hours of lecture per week
- Assignments are due on a weekly basis throughout the quarter
- Asssignments build upon one another, and contribute to a final research paper
- Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in NO MORE THAN three courses (including HDP 191) during their quarter of placement
- HDP 191 is a unique and valuable opportunity
- Internship in a field of interest
- Great way to establish contacts and network
- Potential to earn a great letter of recommendation from an industry professional
- Experience to put on resume or graduate school application, and speak about in interviews
- Opportunities for future employment at field site(s)
- Contribute valuable research to the site
Contact Information
Field Research Coordinator: Mariko Cavey
Email: mcavey@ucsd.edu
Phone: (858) 534-8489