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HDS 191 Frequently Asked Questions

This course combines lectures on research methodology with an actual field research position at a site somewhere in San Diego county. It includes three hours/week in class at UCSD, and four-to-five hours/week of observational research in the community. This course is different from HDS 181 in that you are not in a laboratory setting (i.e. a controlled environment). The phenomenon you are observing is studied in a naturally occurring environment.

Typically, students take HDS 191 during the fall, winter, or spring quarter of their final year at UCSD. By the time you are enrolling in HDS 191, you should have completed HDS 181 and a significant number of upper division core and/or development courses, with at least one course in each domain: Biological, Cognitive, and Socio-Cultural development. You do not need to wait until your last quarter to take HDS 191.

Not exactly one whole year. Your application has to be submitted in the spring quarter prior to the academic year when you plan to enroll in HDS 191. There are 150 positions available for HDS 191 each year: 50 in fall, 50 in winter, and 50 in spring. In order to make sure these are evenly distributed and that everyone who needs a placement gets one, we take enrollment requests during the month of May and fill all 150 positions for the following academic year. So, if you are requesting to take HDS 191 during the upcoming fall quarter, you're applying about 5 months in advance. If you are requesting a seat in 191 for spring, then yes, you are applying one year in advance.

No. You are welcome to submit your application regardless of your status — so please do. Course prerequisites and restrictions need to be cleared before your first day of class, which could be almost a year away, depending on the quarter in which you are placed. So, if you think you may take the course any time next year, apply to reserve your seat! You can always withdraw your application (and make someone on the waitlist very happy) if your plans change.

You will be placed on our internal waitlist for an opening during the academic year.

It is absolutely essential to meet all deadlines for HDS 191. This includes submitting the Pre-Enrollment Questionnaire, followed by the Site and Section Selection Application for your quarter of placement, on time.

HDS 191 is not an "open enrollment course," which means it's not available to the general UCSD student population. Every individual student must be pre-authorized to enroll in one of the two sections offered. Pre-authorization does not occur until Week 10 of the quarter before you take HDS 191. Because you reserved a spot in the course in advance, you are guaranteed a seat…but not necessarily in your preferred section.

Students with scheduling conflicts that impact their availability for a particular 191 section will receive priority for section placement. Once all legitimate scheduling conflicts are resolved, then remaining students will be pre-authorized to enroll, notified of their assigned section, and allowed to add the course.

Due to the time necessary to complete this process, you should enroll in other courses you need during first pass. 

Yes. But you learn a lot!