Bachelor of Science in Human Developmental Sciences
The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Human Developmental Sciences is designed for those considering advanced graduate level study or other professional engagement in the health sciences, therapy, rehabilitation, or research. The B.S. requires additional coursework that the Bachelor of Arts in Human Developmental Sciences does not require.
Please note that all classes taken for the Bachelor of Science must be taken for letter grades.
In addition to our traditional B.S. outlined below, Bachelor of Science students can declare a developmental specialization in Equity and Diversity or Healthy Aging.
Lower-Division ("Major-Prep") Requirements
8 courses (32 units)
Introduction to Human Developmental Sciences (1 Course)
HDS 1 - Introduction to Human Developmental Sciences
(Offered fall and spring)
Statistics (1 Course)
For students who declared the HDS major Fall 2021 or later:
- HDS 60 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis
For students who declared the HDS major prior to Fall 2021:
One course selected from the following approved list:
- HDS 60 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis
- PSYC 60 - Introduction to Statistics
- COGS 14B - Intro to Statistical Analysis
- MATH 11 - Elementary Probability and Statistics
Formal Skills (2 Courses)
Biological Sciences (2 Courses)
- ANTH 2 - Human Origins
- BILD 1 - The Cell
- BILD 2 - Multicellular Life
- BILD 3 - Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
- BILD 12 - Neurobiology and Behavior
- BILD 20 - Human Genetics in Modern Society
- BILD 26 - Human Physiology
- BILD 38 - Dementia, Science, and Society
- COGS 17 - Neurobiology of Cognition
Social Sciences (2 Courses)
- ANTH 1 - Introduction to Culture
- ANTH 3 - World Prehistory
- CAT 1 - Culture, Art and Technology I
- CAT 2 - Culture, Art and Technology II
- COMM 10 - Introduction to Communication
- COGS 1 - Introduction to Cognitive Science
- FMPH 40 - Introduction to Public Health
- FMPH 50 - Primary Care and Public Health
- HILD 7A, B, or C - Race and Ethnicity in the United States (only one can be used)
- LIGN 4 - Language as a Cognitive System
- LIGN 7 - Sign Language and Its Culture
- LIGN 8 - Languages and Cultures in America
- LIGN 101 - Introduction to the Study of Language
- MMW 11 - Prehistory and the Birth of Civilization
- MMW 12 - The Great Classical Traditions
- MMW 121 - Exploring the Premodern World
- MMW 122 - Exploring the Modern World
- PSYC 1 - Psychology
- PSYC 2 - General Psychology: Biological Foundations
- PSYC 3 - General Psychology: Cognitive Foundations
- PSYC 6 - General Psychology: Social Foundations
- PSYC 7 - General Psychology: Developmental Foundations
- SOCI 1 - Introduction to Sociology
- SOCI 20 - Social Change in the Modern World
- SOCI 40 - Sociology of Health-Care Issues
- SOCI 70 - General Sociology for Premedical Students
Upper-Division Requirements
13 courses (56 units)
Core Series (4 Courses)
A total of 4 courses with at least 1 course from each Domain is required.
Domain 1 - The Biological Basis of Human Development (one required):
- HDS 110 - Brain and Behavioral Development (Prerequisite: HDS 1 or PSYC 101).
- HDS 111 - Evolutionary Principles of Development (Prerequisite: HDS 1 or ANTH 2 or BILD 3).
- ANBI 111 - Advanced Principles of Human Evolution (Prerequisite: ANTH 2 or equivalent).
- BIPN 144 - Developmental Neurobiology (Prerequisites: Upper division standing. Students should have a strong background in biology).
Domain 2 - The Cognitive and Linguistic Basis of Human Development (two required, one from each area):
- 2A. Social-Cognitive Development (one required)
- HDS 121/COGS 110 - The Developing Mind (Prerequisites: HDS 1 or COGS 1).
- HDS 122 - Development of Social Cognition (Prerequisites: HDS 1 or equivalent).
- PSYC 187 - Development Social Cognition (Prerequisite: Upper division standing).
- 2B. Language Development (one required)
- HDS 120 - Language Development (Prerequisites: HDS 1 or LING 4 or equivalent).
- COGS 156 - Language Development (Prerequisites: Upper-division standing. background in developmental psyc and/or linguistics is recommended).
- LIGN 171 - Child Language Acquisition (Prerequisite: LIGN 101 or Upper division standing or consent of instructor).
Domain 3 - The Socio-cultural Basis of Human Development (one required):
- HDS 133 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Developmental Science (Prerequisite: HDS 1 or PSYC 1).
- ANSC 126 - Childhood and Adolescence (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- ANSC 168 - The Human Condition (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- COMM 112C - The Idea of Childhood (Prerequisite: HDS 1 or COMM 10).
- HITO 126 - History of Childhood
Development Courses (5 Courses)
A total of 5 courses with at least 1 course from each Domain is required.
Domain 1 - Biological Development:
- ANBI 116 - Evolution of Primate Reproduction (Prerequisite: Upper division standing).
- ANBI 130 - Biology of Inequality (Prerequisite: Upper division standing).
- ANBI 140 - The Evolution of the Human Brain (Prerequisite: Upper division standing).
- ANBI 159 - Biological and Cultural Perspectives on Intelligence (Prerequisite: Upper division standing).
- ANBI 173 - How Monkeys See the World (Prerequisite: Upper division standing).
- ANTH 102 - Humans are Cultural Animals (Prerequisite: Upper division standing).
- BICD 100 - Genetics (Prerequisites: BILD 1 and BILD 3).
- BICD 112 - Stem Cells and Regeneration (Prerequisites: BIMM 100).
- BICD 130 - Embryos, Genes, and Development (Prerequisites: BICD 100, BIBC 100 or BIBC 102 or CHEM 114A or CHEM 114B).
- BIPN 134 - Human Reproduction (Prerequisites: BIPN 100).
- BIPN 144 - Developmental Neurobiology (Prerequisites: Upper division standing. Students should have a strong background in biology).
- BIPN 148 - Cellular Basis of Learning and Memory (Prerequisites: BIPN 100).
- COGS 115 - Neurological Development and Cognitive Change (Prerequisites: BILD 10 or 12 or COGS 17 or HDS 110).
- COGS 184 - Modeling the Evolution of Cognition (Prerequisites: Programming ability, calculus, and consent of instructor).
Domain 2 - Cognitive and Language Development:
- COGS 154 - Communication Disorders in Children and Adults (Prerequisites: Upper-division standing).
- COMM 100A - Communication, the Person, and Everyday Life (Prerequisite: COMM 10 or consent of instructor).
- COMM 168 - Bilingual Communication (Prerequisite:COMM 10 and one from COMM 100A, 100B, 100C or consent of instructor).
- LIGN 119/EDS 119 - First and Second Language Learning - From Childhood Through Adolescence (Prerequisite: Upper Division Standing or consent of instructor).
- LIGN 179 - Second Language Acquisition (Prerequisite: LIGN 101 or upper division standing or consent of instructor).
- PSYC 101 - Developmental Psychology (Prerequisite: Upper Division Standing or consent of instructor).
- PSYC 130 - Delay of Gratification (Prerequisite: Upper Division Standing or consent of instructor).
- PSYC 132 - Hormones and Behavior (Prerequisites: Upper Division standing).
- PSYC 136 - Cognitive Development (Prerequisites: PSYC 101, or PSYC 105).
- PSYC 141 - Evolution and Human Nature (Prerequisites: Upper Division standing).
- PSYC 146 - Language and Conceptual Development (Prerequisites: Upper Division standing).
- PSYC 156 - Cognitive Development in Infancy (Prerequisites:PSYC 101 or HDS 1).
- PSYC 168 - Psychological Disorders of Childhood (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- PSYC 171 - Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Prerequisite: PSYC 2, 106, or 181 and Upper-division standing).
- PSYC 172 - Psychology of Human Sexuality (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- PSYC 173 - Psychology of Food and Behavior (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- PSYC 180 - Adolescence (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- PSYC 187 - Development of Social Cognition (Prerequisite: Upper Division Standing or consent of instructor. PSYC 101 recommended).
- PSYC 190 - Parenting (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
Domain 3 - Socio-Cultural Development:
- ANBI 159 - Biological and Cultural Perspectives on Intelligence (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- ANSC 101 - Aging: Culture and Health in Late Life Human Development (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- ANSC 125 - Gender, Sexuality, and Society (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- ANSC 126 - Childhood and Adolescence (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- ANSC 127 - Discourse, Interaction and Social Life (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- COMM 102C - Practicum in New Media and Community Life
- COMM 102D - Practicum in Child Development
- COMM 126 - Children and Media (Prerequisite:COMM 10 and one from COMM 100A, 100B, 100C, or consent of instructor).
- EDS 115 - Cognitive Development and Education (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- EDS 117/SOCI 117 - Language, Culture and Education (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- EDS 118 - Adolescent Development and Education (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- HDS 171 - Diversity in Human Development (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- HDS 173 - Race, Media, and Identity Across the Lifespan (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- HDS 175 - Power, Wealth, and Inequality in Human Development (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- HDS 177 - Educational Equity & Development Across the Lifespan
- LTWL 114 - Children's Literature
- LTWL 116 - Adolescent Literature
- LTWL 177 - Literature and Aging
- PH 110 (previously FMPH) - Health Behavior and Chronic Diseases (Prerequisite: FMPH 40 and upper-division standing).
- PH 120 (previously FMPH) - Health Policies for Healthy Lifestyles (Prerequisite: FMPH 40 and upper-division standing).
- PSYC 180 - Adolescence (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- PSYC 190 - Parenting (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- SOCI 116/LIGN 174 - Gender and Language in Society (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- SOCI 129 - The Family (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- SOCI 131 - Sociology of Youth (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- SOCI 143 - Suicide
- SOCI 159 - Special Topics in Organizations and Institutions - NOTE: ONLY WHEN TOPIC IS APPROVED FOR HDS MAJOR (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- SOCI 161 - Sociology of The Life Course (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- SOCI 184 - Gender and Film
- USP 134 - Community Youth Development
- USP 145 - Aging - Social and Health Policy Issues (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
- USP 147 - Case Studies in Health-Care Programs/Poor and Underserved Population (Prerequisite: Upper-division standing).
Methods of Research (2 Courses)
HDS 191 - Field Research in Human Development (Prerequisites: HDS 1 & HDS 181. Department approval required to enroll. HDS majors only).
- Students must submit the pre-enrollment questionnaire one academic year prior to enrollment. See the HDS 191 Page for details
Methods Elective (1 Course)
The Methods Elective is a third methods/practicum requirement and is selected and designed for future professional interests. Options include a variety of courses within traditional lab or field research environments, as well as well as research studies supported within apprenticeships, internships, or professional observations necessary for field specializations.
One course selected from the following approved list:
- HDS 193 Advanced Research in Human Development - (Prerequisite: Approved Research Proposal).
- HDS 194B Honors Thesis - (Prerequisite: Approved Honors Proposal).
- COGS 120 - Interaction Design (Prerequisite: COGS 108 or CSE 12 or DSC 30 and COGS 1 or COGS 10 or DSGN 1 or ENG 100D.).
- COMM 102C - Practicum in New Media and Community Life (6 units)
- EDS 130 - Introduction to Academic Mentoring of Elementary/School Students
(Prerequisite: EDS department approval. Two units of EDS 139 is a corequisite, for a total of 6 units). - EDS 131 - Early Childhood Development and Education
(Prerequisite: EDS department approval. Two units of EDS 139 is a corequisite, for a total of 6 units). - EDS 136 - Introduction to Academic Tutoring of Secondary School Students
(Prerequisite: EDS department approval. Two units of EDS 139 is a corequisite, for a total of 6 units). - PH 102 (previous FMPH) - Biostatistics in Public Health (Prerequisite: PH 40; PSYC 60 or MATH 11).
- SOCI 110 - Qualitative Research in Educational Settings (Prerequisite: SOCI 60 or equivalent).
- USP 141B - Life Course Scholars
(Offered in Winter. Requires applying to the LCS Program in the spring prior to enrollment).
Senior Seminar (1 Course)
The Senior Seminar couse is a special topics seminar that provides advanced-level study on subfields of human development (must be taken in-residence).
HDS 150 - Senior Seminar (Prerequisites: Fulfillment of 8 LD courses, completion of 3 Core Series courses, and HDS 181).
- Must be an approved HDS major with senior standing. Priority given to graduating seniors.