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Bachelor of Arts in Human Developmental Sciences

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Human Developmental Sciences provides broad-based preparation for many fields with solid grounding in both theory and methodology in the discipline of human development, while providing a great deal of curricular flexibility. Please note that all classes taken for the Bachelor of Arts must be taken for letter grades.

Lower-Division ("Major-Prep") Course Requirements

7 courses (28 units)

Introduction to Human Developmental Sciences (1 Course)

HDS 1 - Introduction to Human Developmental Sciences

(offered fall and spring)

Statistics (1 Course)

For students who declared the HDS major Fall 2021 or later:

For students who declared the HDS major prior to Fall 2021:

One course
selected from the following approved list:

Formal Skills (1 Course)

One course selected from the following approved list:

Biological Sciences (2 Courses)

Social Sciences (2 Courses)

Two courses selected from the following approved list:

Upper-Division Course Requirements

12 courses (52 units)

Core Series (4 Courses)

A total of 4 courses with at least 1 course from each Domain is required.

Domain 1 - The Biological Basis of Human Development (one required):

Domain 2 - The Cognitive & Linguistic Basis of Human Development (two required, one from each area):
  • 2B. Language Development (one required)
    • HDS 120 - Language Development (Prerequisites: HDS 1 or LING 4 or equivalent).
    • COGS 156 - Language Development (Prerequisites: Upper-division standing. background in developmental psyc and/or linguistics is recommended).
    • LIGN 171 - Child Language Acquisition (Prerequisite: LIGN 101 or Upper division standing or consent of instructor).
Domain 3 - The Socio-cultural Basis of Human Development (one required):

Development Courses (5 Courses)

A total of 5 courses with at least 1 course from each Domain is required.

Domain 1 - Biological Development:

Domain 2 - Cognitive and Language Development:
Domain 3 - Socio-Cultural Development:

Methods of Research Courses (2 Courses)

These courses are designed to introduce students to the philosophy and methods of developmental research in both laboratory and real-world settings (must be taken in residence).

HDS 181 - Experimental Projects in Human Development Research (Prerequisites: HDS 1, Statistics,  and a minimum of three upper-division HDS major courses, at least one in each domain. Department approval required to enroll. HDS majors only).

HDS 191 - Field Research in Human Development (Prerequisites: HDS 1 & HDS 181. Department approval required to enroll. HDS majors only).
  • Students must submit the pre-enrollment questionnaire one academic year prior to enrollment. See the HDS 191 Page for details

Senior Seminar Capstone (1 Course)

The Senior Seminar Capstone is a special topics seminar that provides advanced-level study on subfields of human development (must be taken in-residence). 

HDS 150 - Senior Seminar (Prerequisites: HDS 181, Senior Standing, and Department Approval. Priority given to graduating seniors in their final term).