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BunnyBears Infant Toddler

Basic Information

Organization and Responsibilities Description

BunnyBears Infant Toddler center branched out of the BunnyBears Preschool La Mesa. It welcomes babies as young as 3 months old and offers a dedicated toddler space for young children ages 18months-36 months.

At the center, we strive to create a clean and safe environment where children feel nurtured and loved. We take time to build mutual trust between families and teachers, teachers and children. Teachers create stimulating environments to support developmental milestones and carefully observe children in their daily achievements. The A-ha moments are documented and shared with families.

Form relationships with the children and interact with them on their level. Use the knowledge that has been acquired through schooling and apply it to a real-world environment. Students will never be left on their own with children; they will always have a teacher with them to guide them, answer questions and make suggestions.

Age(s) of Participants


Research Availability

Weekdays 8:30am - 11:30am. 

Dress Code

Comfortable so that you can sit and play on the floor and not be overly concerned about getting things on your clothes.

Clearance Requirements

  1. Proof of TB test within past year
  2. MMR and TDAP vaccinations

Contact Information

Site Mentor: Katie Stanglewicz


Phone Number: (619) 850-6983

Website: BunnyBears website

Location: 8314 Parkway Drive La Mesa CA 91942